
Monday, February 27, 2012

A black dress and a big hug!

Dress:  Vintage, Thrifted; Shoes:  Leather Thrifted; Belt:  Nine & Co. Thrifted

Seems I just can't pass up a great black dress!  I thrifted this one a couple of weeks ago.  It's hand made and has a vintage label stating the name of the seamstress.  My plan, at first, was to sell it; but when I got home and tried it on, I just couldn't let it go.  I think is probably the beginning of a lasting relationship!

The fit.  The shimmering fabric.  The drapey style.  It has all the elements I love!  I'm thinking I can also wear it as a duster as well!

I hope all is going well with all my friends!  While I haven't been blogging much, I've definitely been creeping around all of your blogs.  Please forgive me if I don't leave a comment.  I'm hit and miss; but love keeping up with all of you!  Big hugs all around!

Oh!  And by the way, I gave up Facebook for Lent and I'm embarrassed at how hooked I've been to that form of social media!  I sometimes feel TOO much of an online presence and feel a bit of a need to take it down a few notches.  It's so easy to get immersed in the cyber reality.  I mean, let's face it.  Cyberly speaking, most everyone is nice, complimentary, and gives thumbs up!  What's not to love?  But I want to carry the best of what I get on social media into my real life.  "Like" people in person.  "Comment" to the person sitting next to me.  Be interested in the people that are in my life daily.  Between blogging, eBay, Facebook, Facebook for The Elegant Bohemian,  Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, Instagram and email; I can tell I lose sight of those people in my life that are most important to me.   I just want "online personality" to be at the end of the list of things that are Serene; NOT at the top of it!

Hugs again!!!


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Shop The Elegant Bohemian...New items added

I'm FINALLY getting around to marrying my store to my blog and I'm so excited!  As you drop by The Elegant Bohemian blog, I'll be periodically showing you what is new in the store.    You can click on any of the pictures and be taken directly to details about the item and how to purchase.


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This is not an exhaustive showing, so for even more vintage and current finds,  please check out  The Elegant Bohemian store !


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Do you wear a slip? Why you may want to start...

 I recently read in More magazine (magazine for women over 40) that slips were items of clothing that are apparently now unnecessary.  I couldn't DISAGREE more!  Call me old fashioned, but slips still serve our wardrobes and when you're talking vintage slips, well, the possibilities are plentiful!

Here's why I believe every woman (with the possible exception of women who only wear pants and jeans) need slips in their wardrobe.  

Coverage:  According to the magazine article, everyone knows we have legs, hence using slips for coverage is now obsolete.  In my opinion, sheer dresses and skirts look better with coverage underneath.  Even a light slip will provide enough opaqueness to give a clean look.

Proper Hang:  Especially in the cooler months when tights are worn under many skirts; I have found that having a thin slip between my tights and my skirt allows my skirt to hang more freely without getting caught on the texture of my tights.  Nothing looks worse than a straighter skirt clinging to colored legs!

Lengthen:  Do you have a dress or skirt that's just a tad too short?  Add a slip with an interesting hem and get an Anthropologie worthy new look!  That inch or so of slip peaking out from beneath the hem will give you the length you want and add a touch of the unexpected.  Be sure to color coordinate.  You wouldn't want a white slip dipping below a black skirt (ever heard the expression "It's snowing down south"?); but why not play with the possibilities of mixing colors?

Expose:  Truly, Desiree (Pull Your Socks Up) does this best.  Wearing vintage slips as clothes themselves.  The red slip below is the perfect example.  The color is deep enough and provides enough coverage, that I could wear this as a dress.  My sweet husband is all for this idea and when he first saw me in it, it was the first thing that came to his mind!

Lounge Wear:  Terri (Rags Against the Machine) commented months ago that she now uses thrifted vintage slips to wear around the house in the warmer months.  When you're lounging around the house anyway, why not look pretty?  Again, according to Terri, husband approved and appreciated!

Take a look at some of my favorites in my collection.  They're all thrifted and all vintage and all used quite often!

My all time favorite!  In the deepest, will never fade, red!!  And how about that bodice?  Fits like a glove and has the BEST details!

A black half slip.  Just necessary!  This has given length to some shorter black skirts.

I wear the fool out of this one!  Short enough to go under everything and those button front dresses are more comfortable with some coverage beneath. 

Full slips probably get even less wear than half slips, but I just love them!  Talk about a nice clean line under your clothes; these will give everything the perfect silhouette!

This one is a favorite!  That adorned bodice and again, a great fit just make me feel pretty, in an old school kind of way.  And what woman doesn't want to feel pretty?!

Seriously, I don't know how I could do without my slips. 

 Do you ever wear slips?  Or does it seem out dated?


Thursday, February 9, 2012

One outfit...10 Pair of shoes!

If you've been reading my blog for any time at all, you'll know of my devout fondness for shoes.  It's the first section I look at whether I'm shopping at a department store or trolling my favorite thrift haunts.  It would make life so much easier if I were one of those clever women who could wear the same shoes with everything and still look smashing!  Alas, I am not.  In my opinion, shoes have a way of transforming an entire look for good or bad.  So I thought I would show you how different shoes on the exact same outfit could make, break or bore a look.


 With Michael Kors clogs.....I kind of like this!  Keeps the look kind of casual.  I really like these clogs with black tights and skirts.  I used to ONLY wear clogs with trousers, but now I can see them with skirts, dresses and maybe a pair of skinny jeans.


With a Bandolino boot.  Okay, so not necessarily interesting, but it's definitely me.  Nice clean lines, if not a bit preppy.


Franco Sarto sandals.  TOTALLY not feeling this look, but it does score points on the interesting factor.


 Nine West platform pumps.  I almost didn't put these on because I thought I wouldn't like the color with the printed top.  HOWEVER, I actually REALLY liked this!


Vintage Together boots.  To be honest, these babies are going on eBay.  While I really do like them, I simply NEVER know what to wear them with and I really don't like wearing them with anything other than a really long skirt and I don't wear enough maxis to warrant keeping these.


Vintage Apostrophe.  I've had these for 20 years and rarely wear them.  Again, I really don't do booties very well.  Patti  pulls them off with such aplomb, but I feel like a goober!


Thrifted black leather pumps.  Nothing necessarily wrong with them in this look; but nothing really right either.  I think I'd prefer these with the black tights and a black skirt.


Vintage Nine West boots.  This was a serendipitous pairing.  At the last minute, I saw these in the closet and thought, "Hmmmm, how bad would these be?" and then?  BABAM!  I really really like this!  It keeps the whole look much more casual and I like the contrast against the black tights.


 Jessica Simpson thigh high boots.  Can I just say.....YES!!!  Love this look!  I know, I know, it's another black boot, but the heel and the higher style just gives it a different and more edgy look than the Bandolino boots above.


Same Jessica Simpson boots from above, but with them worn over the knee.  LOVE this look too!

So what do you think?  Out of all of the above, what's fabulous, what's boring, and what's hideous?!  I'd love to hear your opinions!

PS.  Which ones do you think I ended up wearing for the day?


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Why you need a leather skirt....

Skirt:  Vintage Thrifted, Top:  J Crew, Sweater:  H&M, Boots:  Bandolino

A couple of years ago, a leather skirt was no where in my closet.  I had NONE!  And I didn't know what I was missing!  Now, I can't imagine my sartorial life with no leather skirt....and for me, it simply HAS to be the real thing.  I just can't seem to get as excited about pleather or ultra suede.

You know what's great about suede and leather skirts?

*No ironing needed....anytime you can wear something without having to iron it is just a good start to the day!

*Always the same fit....barring any extreme body changes, your leather skirt will pretty much fit you the same every time you wear it; unlike fabric that seems to modify itself a little with every wearing.

*Wear it year round....Yes!  You read that right!  Why not wear your leather year round?  For this skirt, I could easily do a cute tank and a great heel and I'm out the door!  While leather pants may prove to be a hot box in the warmer months, a leather skirt still allows you to keep the breezeway!

*Makes you look like you stepped up your game....When DOESN'T leather look like your A-game?  Seriously!  Throw on a leather skirt and any top and tres chic!

Every leather skirt I have (I think 5 in all) was thrifted.  To buy a nice leather skirt new may be a bit cost prohibitive, but with so many thrifting options there's no need to mark them off your wish list!

Do you have any leather skirts?  What do YOU love about them?


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Southwest with a side of chipotle fries!

Shirt: Vintage thrifted, Skirt:  Thrifted, Boots:  Bandolino, Belt:  Chico's

Just some Thursday fun!!
