
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Scarves of all my store

Scarves seem to be very popular among my store clients, so I've found that now I'm constantly on the lookout for interesting or simply beautiful ones! Below is my scarf inventory as of today. To be honest, there are quite a few that I listed that I was soooooooo tempted to keep. But I'll never stay in business that way, eh? Enjoy!



  1. Wow, wonderful selection. I know what you mean about wanting to keep the inventory. Can you imagine owning a bakery? : >

  2. wow...what an extensive collection of scarves! Nice selection of different prints and colors. You can never have enough of them!


  3. My last scarf purchase is now hanging in my daughter's closet, so need to get another one for me. I love the long ones! That first Paisley one is my favorite.

    1. Beryl! You're keeping me in the scarf business! :) It IS beautiful, isn't it!! Thanks for being my favorite customer!!

  4. Oh Serene!! I LOVE your scarves...I wear a scarf almost every day, I love them so much!:) They are just beautiful and add a touch of color or class to anything! These are so beautiful, good luck with your business my dear friend!

    P.S. I'm back in the land of the living by the way.:)

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