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  1. All of a sudden your comments section is a column on the edge of your blog. I sure liked the old way better. When I had the post I was commenting on, right there on the same page. It's probably just me, but this column keeps getting buried or covers up your blog. Very confusing.

    1. Beryl, I think I've changed it back since you wrote this. I took the advice of another blogger and changed it and what do you know? I hated it! I like that this way allows me to reply to comments. I'm so sorry that this took so long....I had neglected this page and forgot to check back for comments!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Just found you via over50feeling40 and *love* what you had to say today. Can't wait to see where you take this. Thanks.

    1. Thanks so much Deborah! I'm so bad at keeping up with this....please forgive this late response!


Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! ~Serene