Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Fit Bohemian: Fitness Truths I've Learned

I'm doing a new series of posts on my other blog, The Fit Bohemian.  It's called Fitness Truths I've Learned.  For those who don't know, I've been working as marketing manager of a local gym for almost 3 years now.  Starting in the Army (23 years ago), I ran the weight program for our company, 46th Combat Support Hospital.  I've worked for Jenny Craig in two states, managed an Inches Away and a Nutri System.  Between my personal experience AND my professional experience in the fitness and weight loss field; I've learned ALOT.  And much of it is NOT technical stuff....that tends to change every 6 months.  I'm going to be talking about things I've learned that are unchanging and also body image related. 

If you're looking for a tutorial on how to quickly drop 10 pounds, this probably isn't something you'll be interested in.  But if you're wanting to find REAL fitness that is attainable for YOU, maybe I can help!  Drop on by....this first post is an introduction and my own personal story.  I'd love to hear yours too!

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing how fast the fitness literature changes - but what works can still be counted on. I did two hours of water aerobics this morning, so that I could come home and make (and eat) your grandmother's recipe, which I posted on my blog. Yum - it was worth every minute!


Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! ~Serene