Thursday, December 2, 2010

Can you hear my dress?




I know, right?  This dress is really loud.  I mean ear piercing, turn the volume down…no make that “hit mute” LOUD.  And I LOVE IT!  I thrifted this at a local store and it’s vintage Doncaster Tanner.  I reworked it a bit; it had a thin elastic waist that I ripped out and took off about (you know what I’m going to say) 6 inches.  I got more compliments on how I look than my dress which tells me, maybe color looks good on me.  But at the end of the day, I really try not to care what someone thinks about what I’m wearing.  If I feel great in it and it’s not inappropriate, isn’t that all that matters?

Under the heading of self discovery, I’ve been perusing a TON of blogs lately.  Something common I see are colored tights.  They look fabulous on everyone and I’ve been hot to hop on the bandwagon.  I even wore purple tights (here) a few days ago with a vintage dress.  I have discovered that I don’t like colored tights (neutrals, yes and maybe a deep maroon every now and then, but not COLORS) on me.  I really really don’t.  I feel goofy.  I just don’t feel like ME.  I see them everywhere and they’re fabulous, but on me, I feel clownish.  I know, here’s where you say, “C’mon Serene. Seriously?  You can wear that loud clown dress and not feel like ridiculous but you can’t put a pair of colored tights on?  Reallllllllly?”  What can I say?  I’m very complicated!


My dress wanted me to play an ode to the 80s and this song does make me smile!


  1. You managed to tone down the dress with all that black.It's so creative to make adjustments on thrifted clothes! You can have a ton of fitted unique clothes for next to nothing! And don't worry about colored tights ,it's an aquired taste!

  2. I love this dress & I loves the purple tights on you! :)

  3. Vanessa an I--we be wanting that dress!!!! What a fun color riot! Had to laugh about the tight thing...I know what you mean though about feeling goofy--I do if they are print--yup, done that before. The purple ones you have are a very muted purple, so you didn't feel goofy. Some things you just have to identify with.

  4. Vanessa...YES I HEAR IT and I like what I hear...I really like your first look with the jacket and belt. The dress looks great! This is an excellent example of creativity with thrift pieces and, well, it brightens up a wintery day!

  5. The black muted it some and I think it's adorable and it has polka dots which are fabulous!

    I've worn printed and colored tights this week. It was quite the experience. The red I'll probably do again, but not the floral.

  6. Loud--I hear the 1812 Overture!

    As your post was loading, I thought Serene has read my mind and beaten me to this topic--as I pay attention to the way clothing sounds as I wear it, but you have taken the topic in another direction. You know you could make this louder--play with a key color.

    I agree that wearing colored tights takes some getting used to, but then in my case they convey something to my students...

  7. You look wonderful in colours. it is a matter of letting them grow on you.
    To me, it is never too much yeahhhhhhhhhhhh. Absolutely love it.

  8. that dress is fantastic, right up my colourful street!


Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! ~Serene