Monday, November 29, 2010

The Sisterhood



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I like to think of all women as belonging  to one big sisterhood.  If you’re of the female persuasion, you belong to the sisterhood.  What I love to imagine is that the sisterhood is not catty or jealous.  In the sisterhood, every woman is so secure in her uniqueness that she doesn’t even feel the need to compare herself to other women and judge herself by other women.  The sisterhood welcomes all women. There’s no initiation, no test to pass.  There’s no rule book that is held over our heads.   The sisters encourage each other and revel in each other’s accomplishments.  Sisters delight in the beauty of fellow sisters, they celebrate the individuality of each of our sisters.  Older sisters are revered and honored by the younger, because we realize they’ve lived longer, they’ve walked paths similar to ours and come out stronger, wiser and with their joys written on their faces.

In the sisterhood, we are always team female!  When a sister has fallen, gone off course or forgotten that she is a part of a wonderful and awesome group that has existed since Eve, we rally her back.  No man on this planet could ever be unfaithful to one of our sisters if sisters everywhere stood together and declared to every man with a roving eye, “Don’t even tarry here, just move on.  I WILL NOT BETRAY MY SISTER.  No matter what you offer, no matter what you promise, no matter the flattery that you toss my way; I will be true to my sister.”  Sisters teach their sons to respect and revere women; to treat them with the respect that is due them.  We teach our daughters to love their sisters and to be in awe of this wonderful family of females.  We also teach our daughters to cherish and honor the men in their lives.  We’re not man haters.  In fact the sisterhood celebrates the brotherhood by respecting men and their differences; appreciating the necessity for the masculine as well as the feminine.

As women, creativity is part of our nature.  We build homes out of houses.  We take a group of strangers and make them a family.   We see the beauty in the most mundane objects and help others to see the beauty and wonder in the world around.    We bring civility to a rushed society.  We remind the world that compassion and love reigns.  We love all the pretties that this life brings, but the true pretty, the purest beauty is inside of us.  We are women and we delight in each other and in our lives.  We are The Sisterhood.

Blouse: Vintage, thrifted
Skirt: Cynthia Steffe, thrifted
Boots: Thrifted


  1. I'm totally in.:)
    You paint a beautiful picture, it really makes me wish it were so!
    That's a lovely skirt by the way!
    Have a great week.:)

  2. There's so much power in a sisterhood such as you have described. When I spend so much time with teen girls who tend to bicker a lot, it is easy to lose this perspective. But, the great thing about blogging is gathering every night with a great group of women, who encourage one another, who have no barriers, and seem to really enjoy each others' creativity and uniqueness. BTW, there is also some power in a great skirt like this one!

  3. Serene--this is beautiful writing. It's been so long since I've pondered the thoughts in the second paragraph, but it is so true.

    And the various forms of creativity the sisters practice...making a family of strangers. I can relate.

  4. Thanks for reminding me in such a creative way. I dont have any biological sisters, but I have plenty of girlfriend sistas! BtW, great blouse....

  5. I love this post! As someone younger, I feel as though people automatically assume or expect me to judge and compare myself to others and be worried about petty things ... but I just wanna know different people and appreciate them for who they are. So, thank you, that was well written. I love the skirt as well. ;)

  6. There truly is a power in sisterhood. I loved what you wrote and how beautifully you stated things. The skirt is also pretty.

  7. I've found an extension of the sisterhood in the bloggy community!! And I'm loving it.

    Your ruffled blouse is fantastic. Beautiful.

    Leaving the House in THIS?!?!

  8. Congrats on making Links a la Mode!

  9. You have a beautiful blog <3

    much sweetness,
    hope to hear from you xx

  10. I wasn't aware of your blog when you first posted this, so I didn't see it before. Thanks for linking to it now. It's a really good post. When you get serious, you say wonderful things!


Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! ~Serene